About Us
Evangelical Alliance of Rwanda was officially accepted by ministerial order No 362/05 December 1992. It has been started by four denominations and one Christian organization .Evangelical Alliance of Rwanda is originated from Africa Association of Evangelicals (AEA) with headquarters at Nairobi .It is also member of Evangelical World Alliance (WEA). AER is also a member of Rwanda Religious Council (RIC) ,PEACE PLAN Rwanda and Rwanda interfaith Council for Health( RICH)
Alliance Evangelique au Rwanda (AER) or simply Evangelical Alliance of Rwanda has 126 Members.
Seeing Evangelicals in Rwanda united and equipped to share the love of God
Making the members of AER united through fellowship , trainings and encouragement of every member to manifest the love of God on earth
In order to realize the vision and Mission, Alliance of Evangelicals of Rwanda will be guided by the core values
Partnership in the gospel
Prayer for transformation of individuals and communities
Transformational engagement in Rwandan Society
Proclamation of the gospel in word, deed and life
Stewardship of God’s creation (resources)
Being Christ like in service and in leadership
To reach our daily goals and Objectives, We have a team of staffs and Volunteers who helps
General Assembly
Executive committee
AER bureau members
President 2 Vice presidents
General Secretary and 2 National treasurers
If you want to visit us, here is our working days at our office
Do you have anything that you want to tell or ask us, Contact us and we will be back to you As Soon As Possible
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